We work with our clients to manage their assets and expenses by developing a financial overview along with a system to organize information and a plan to preserve assets.
We understand your health, happiness, and well-being are of upmost importance. No matter what it takes, we will make your needs our priority.
Sometimes a comprehensive approach makes the most sense when helping someone. We can help in a variety of ways depending on your needs.
SueAnn is an experienced case manager and bonded professional Guardian serving the Sarasota, Manatee, and Charlotte County areas. AFG Assistance has a supporting team that may act as a Health Care Surrogate, Companion, Conservator, Advocate, Power of Attorney, Personal Representative, Trustee, Guardian or Case Manager.
We've spent years working in difficult situations with challenging people. These experiences have helped us develop skills which allow us to analyze and act to get things done in a supportive way.
We specialize in helping the Elderly.
Call us!
5317 Fruitville Rd. #8, Sarasota, FL 34232, US
Copyright © 2018 Advocate Fiduciary Guardian Assistance LLC - All Rights Reserved.